Ayurvedic Spa Mauritius - Ananda Mauritius
Spa cuisine at Shanti Ananda is based on 5000- year- old science of Ayurveda, which talks about the importance of the right food depending on one’s body- type- Vata, Pita and Kapha. So at this Ayurvedic Spa Mauritius, food that is served is not only delicious but also healthy. At Shanti Ananda Maurice we understand that the goal of Ayurveda is to work with natural Biorhythms and needs of the body so as to bring in nourishing foods. Shanti Ananda Maurice, prepares special meals based on these principles that convert easily to suit all cuisines, the food at Shanti Ananda promises to be diverse and nutritious combination that will in the long run lead to perfect health, the natural way. Shanti Ananda is among the most renowned of all the Health Spas Mauritius.